Corporate University

We believe in training as a tool to lead the energy transition while boosting the professional career of our team. This vision has driven us to develop various initiatives with the top universities in the Valencia region.

MPOWER: Master in Energy Transformation Power Electronics

After observing the growth in global energy consumption and the shift towards renewable energy sources, Power Electronics has developed a comprehensive program with specific training in new technologies. This program enables the development of new systems and tools necessary to tackle the emerging energy transition.Learn more about MPOWER arrow_forward

    Semi presential


    Small groups

    100% Subsidized

    99.9% employability in Power Electronics

    Paid internships

Power Electronics University Chair

Power Electronics University Chair is the result of the synergy between the Universitat Politècnica de València and Power Electronics in their pursuit of development and innovation in the field of renewable energy.
Together, we organize activities of general interest for the university community.
Discover Power Electronics University Chairarrow_forward





MBATT: Master of Continuing Training in Battery Technology

Welcome to the storage revolution. You will become a highly skilled professional with expertise in all aspects of the battery value chain, from battery production to integration into the electrical grid or electric vehicles, including the study of raw materials.Go to MBATTarrow_forward

      100% online

      Flexible Scheduling
